| | William Weiland, Copyright 1999, All rights reserved. | Tell A Friend Mail Generator | | Setup: | This mailgen module is to be FTPd (lower case spelling) to the script | directory on your server. It goes into your Merchant modules/util/ | directory. This IS a plugin module. It goes in modules/util/mailgen.mv | path when installed. Install it to the mall, then to your store. | | 16 March 2000 | Made the module dual UI compliant | 22 May 2000 | Updated to use oui_extension2 vs oui_extension | 28 August 2000 | Added ability to send specific product link | | If you are using the Open UI look and feel, skip this comment section. | | In the mmui.mv file, function UIModule_Dispatch, include the following code: | Put this code in the latter half of the function, not near the beginning of | the UIModule_Dispatch function. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | If you want to display the Tell a Friend button below the category list, | you could include the following just before the last tag in the | mmui.mv begin_screen function. | |
| | | | | | | | | |