Mail Manager generated email - for limited time use coupon MM0418 for $10 off this module Emporium Plus
PO Box 999999
Jupiter, FL 33368
Order Confirmation (merchant copy)
Order Number: 99999
Placed: 07/22/2004 05:04:19 EDT
Ship To: Bill To:
John Doe
Emporium Supplies
PO Box 999999
Jupiter FL 33368
United States
John Doe
Emporium Supplies
PO Box 999999
Jupiter FL 33368
United States
Code Item Image Quantity Price/Ea. Total

1AA00215 OVERRIDE PRICING 1 $32.50 $32.50
Offer (subject to acceptance) 32.50
MIVA Merchant Version: 4.14+ compiled
Your Merchant URL:
Shipping: Software Delivery over the Internet: $0.00
Sales Tax: $1.95

Total: $34.45

Delivery Information: Please be patient if you are waiting for software download, as payments are processed manually and there is not someone in the office 24 hours a day.

Customer Login: WC-1123

Additional Information:
Version Verified - Yes
License Terms Accepted - Yes
Reviewed Installation - Yes
Found Us - userlist
Internet Access - cable
Your offer price will be considered by Emporium Plus staff. If rejected, your order will be cancelled and money refunded within 3 business days.
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Mail Manager generated email - for limited time use coupon MM0418 for $10 off this module