Miscellaneous Fee
Copyright © 2001, William Weiland
Charge fees within an order for such things as special packaging, artistic setup, or any miscellaneous charge that needs to be applied and is not an actual product. Multiple fees allowed per store and per product; assigned through admin.
Initial Setup
1) In admin, click Add Modules
2) Click the file upload button
3) Browse to find the miscfee.mv file on your hard drive and upload
4) Click Add to add it to the domain
5) Click the image to the left of your store name
6) Click on the Utility Configuration link
7) Check the box to the left of Miscellaneous Fee and select Update
8) Click on Add Modules again
9) Click the file upload button
10) Browse to find the cim_fee.mv file on your hard drive and upload
11) Click Add to add it to the domain
12) Click the image to the left of your store name
13) Click on the System Extension Configuration link
14) Check the box to the left of CIM System Module for Miscellaneous Fee and select Update

Utility Configuration
In the Utility Configuration screen you will enter establish your store's fees. Most inputs are self explanatory.

* The ship to location options should be left blank unless they are specifically needed
* You can include specific locations by starting the line with a +
* You can exclude specific locations by starting the line with a -
* Use the location code for states and countries, e.g. FL and US respectively
* You can enter a string of codes up to 254 characters, each code separated with a | and the line ending with a |
* Example: +US|CA|MX| will apply the fee for United States, Canada, and Mexico only
* Example: -FL|GA|MS|AL| will NOT apply the fee for Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama but will apply it for all other locations unless excluded or included in the other location options
* You can combine location options, e.g. just US but not the states FL and GA

Product Fee Assignment
In each Product Editing Screen you can select the Miscellaneous Fee tab. When you select the tab, all possible fees in your store (as were entered in the Utility Configuration) will appear. You can assign one or more fees to the individual product.
Merchant Version 2.22-2.24 Special Note
This module can be used in both Merchant version 3.x and 2.2x. However, there is a serious, fatal error bug in one of the Miva Corp supplied core files in versions 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24. Hence, in order to use this module in those versions of Merchant, you will need to edit the db.mv file. Be sure you make a backup of this file in case you make an error. In the db.mv file, locate the function BasketCharge_DeleteAll_Module. The MvWHILE loop needs to be closed with </MvWHILE> instead of </MvIF>. If you don't fix this, you will get an error upon checkout. Again, this bug has been fixed in Merchant 2.25 and 3.x so you only need to make the file correction in Merchant 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24.