Check Me Out
Copyright © 2002, William Weiland
Check me out hides the checkout button on the navigation bar until the order minimums are met. The store owner establishes the order minimums (dollar value or number of items) through admin.
Initial Setup
1) In admin, click Add Modules
2) Click the file upload button
3) Browse to find the chkmeout.mvc file on your hard drive and upload
4) Click Add to add it to the domain
5) Click the image to the left of your store name
6) Click on the Utilities link
7) Check the box to the left of Check Me Out and select Update
8) Make sure you have established the store minimums
Editing Requirements (skip if using the OpenUI)
If you are using the Miva Merchant User Interface (mmui) you will need to make some very simple edits to the core files. Be sure to do that with a text editor (NO WYSIWYG editors) such as Programmer's File Editor (PFE) so as not to damage the mv files. ALWAYS BACKUP your unmodified mv files in case you make a mistake.

If using the MMUI, you'll need to insert the five lines not marked with an asterisk in the MMUI_Begin_Screen function. The lines marked with an asterisk are already in the and serve as a landmark here for you to locate the correct code placement.
*<MvEVAL EXPR = "{ MMUI_DrawTD_Close() }"><TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "bottom">
<MvDO FILE = "{g.Module_Root $ 'modules/util/'}" NAME = "l.show_button" VALUE = "{Show_CheckOut()}">
<MvIF EXPR = "{l.show_button}">
* <MvLOCALIZED NAME = "l.alt_text" ID = "MER-MMU-00524">
* <MvIF EXPR = "{ g.Features:Customers:Enabled }">
* <MvIF EXPR = "{ MMUI_Store.d.ordr_acnt AND ( BasketList.d.cust_id EQ 0 ) }">
* <A HREF = "{ g.secure_sessionurl $ 'Screen=LOGN&Order=1&Store_Code=' $ encodeattribute( Stores.d.code ) }"><IMG SRC = "{ encodeentities( MMUI_Store.d.nav_check ) }" ALT = "{ l.alt_text }" BORDER = 0></A>
* <MvELSE>
* <A HREF = "{ g.secure_sessionurl $ 'Screen=OINF&Store_Code=' $ encodeattribute( Stores.d.code ) }"><IMG SRC = "{ encodeentities( MMUI_Store.d.nav_check ) }" ALT = "{ l.alt_text }" BORDER = 0></A>
* </MvIF>
* <MvELSE>
* <A HREF = "{ g.secure_sessionurl $ 'Screen=OINF&Store_Code=' $ encodeattribute( Stores.d.code ) }"><IMG SRC = "{ encodeentities( MMUI_Store.d.nav_check ) }" ALT = "{ l.alt_text }" BORDER = 0></A>
* </MvIF>