Title: Emporium Plus Order - %order_id% - %order_total_f% 1. Main Section
The following order was placed with Emporium Plus. If you are paying by postal money order, your items will be shipped within one business day. If you are paying by check or non-postal money order, your items will be shipped when the check or money order clears (allow 10 business days for clearing). If you have ordered software products only, your order will be shipped when we receive payment.

Send check or money order to:
PO Box 1004
Jupiter, FL 33468

Electronic payments through PayPal can be made for software products only. Please be patient if you are waiting for software download, as payments are processed manually and there is not someone in the office 24 hours a day.

Thank you for your order.
Order Number: %order_id%
Placed: %order_date% %order_time%
Ship To:
%order_ship_fname% %order_ship_lname%

%order_ship_city% %order_ship_state% %order_ship_zip%
Bill To:
%order_bill_fname% %order_bill_lname%

%order_bill_city% %order_bill_state% %order_bill_zip%
%list_products% %list_other% %list_shipping% %list_tax%
Code Item Quantity Price/Ea. Total

Total: %order_total_f%
%ifvar|customer_login|Please use this Customer ID on future visits: *customer_login*%
%payment_module%: %payment_data%
%ifvar|taxexempt|Tax exempt: *taxexempt*%
Review your invoice.
**** Note that the "Review your invoice" also requires that you are using our Customer and Product Administration (product code 1AA00055).**** **** Note that the "%module|addendum|2%" also requires that you are using our Addendum module (product code 1AA00068). If you are not using it for additional questions, then remove that line.**** 2. Product Section %product_code% %product_name% %ifvar|OrderItems.d.upsold|(special)% %product_quantity% %product_price_f% %product_extended_price_f% %list_attributes% 3. Attribute Section %option_desc% %option_price_f% %option_extended_price_f% 4. Other Charges Section %other_charge_desc%: %other_charge_price_f% 5. Shipping Charges Section %shipping_charge_desc%: %shipping_charge_price_f% 6. Tax Charges Section %tax_charge_desc%: %tax_charge_price_f%