Express Order
Copyright © 1999, William Weiland
Overview permits batch entry of product codes for addition to the shopping basket. Note: Since you are only entering product code and quantity, you cannot use for products which contain attributes as it is currently written.
Initial Setup
1) In admin, click Add Modules
2) Click the file upload button
3) Browse to find the file on your hard drive and upload
4) Click Add to add it to the domain
5) Click on the image to the left of Stores
6) Click on the image to the left of your store name
7) Click on the link to Utilities
8) Check the box to the left of Express Order
9) Click on the Update button
10) Click on the tab at the top for Express Order
11) Enter the configuration settings
If your merchant version is 4.14 or newer continue with steps 12-20
12) In admin, click Add Modules
13) Click the file upload button
14) Browse to find the cim_new.mvc file on your hard drive and upload
15) Click Add to add it to the domain
16) Click on the image to the left of Stores
17) Click on the image to the left of your store name
18) Click on the link to System Extension Configuration
19) Check the box to the left of CIM System Module for New Screens
20) Click on the Update button

Configuration Settings

The prompt and prompt image URL are used in the prompt to display the Express Order form if you are using the OpenUI

The default column headings are Product Code and Quantity. You can change those labels.

You can add a header and footer to the screen which contains the Express Order form.

Editing Requirements (skip if using the OpenUI)
If you are using the Miva Merchant User Interface (mmui) you will need to make some very simple edits to the core files. Be sure to do that with a text editor (NO WYSIWYG editors) such as Programmer's File Editor (PFE) so as not to damage the mv files. ALWAYS BACKUP your unmodified mv files in case you make a mistake.

1)You can put a button on your nav bar, category column, or the store front description area for express ordering. Here is the code I inserted in the MMUI_Begin_Screen function just above the last </TABLE> tag in that function.
<MvDO FILE="{g.Module_Root$'modules/ui/'}" NAME = "l.showexpressbutton" VALUE = "{ Express_Open_Store() }">
<FORM METHOD = "post" ACTION = "&[ g.sessionurl ]">
<INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "Store_Code" VALUE = "&[ Stores.d.code:entities ]">
<INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "Screen" VALUE = "EXOR">
<MvIF EXPR = "{Express.d.imageurl}">
<INPUT TYPE = "image" ALT = "&[Express.d.prompt:entities]" SRC = "&[Express.d.imageurl:entities]" BORDER = 0>
<INPUT TYPE = "submit" VALUE = "&[Express.d.prompt:entities]">
<MvDO FILE="{g.Module_Root$'modules/ui/'}" NAME = "l.showexpressbutton" VALUE = "{ Express_Close_Store() }">

2) In the file locate the UIModule_Dispatch function. Add the following code in that function just as the other screen types already there. Put this code in the latter half of the function, not near the beginning of the UIModule_Dispatch function.
<MvIF EXPR = "{ g.Screen EQ 'EXOR'}">
<MvDO FILE="" NAME = "l.ok" VALUE = "{ MMUI_Express_Order() }">

Upgrade Note
If you are upgrading from a previous version of this module to the compiled version, this paragraph may apply to you. The compiled version of this module licensed on or after November 7, 2003 has a new link for calling the customer entry screen. So if you have a button or link on a static page to call the customer entry screen, you will need to change the Screen to NEW and include SubScreen=EXOR. You will also be installing a new file called cim_new.mvc.