No Shipping
Copyright © 2001, William Weiland
If your products do not require shipping, this module will eliminate unnecessary shipping selections. The module can block/hide all reference to shipping on the shipping and payment selection screen, basket, invoice and notification/confirmation emails.

You can modify this no shipping feature to allow shipping for specific locations. The module can be configured to either allow specific states or specific countries. If this is implemented, then the module will allow selection of methods from the store's assigned shipping modules.
Initial Setup
1) In admin, click Add Modules
2) Click the file upload button
3) Browse to find the file on your hard drive and upload
4) Click Add to add it to the domain
5) Click the image to the left of your store name
6) Click on the System Extension Configuration link
7) Check the box to the left of No Shipping and select Update

System Configuration
Click the tab for No Shipping and edit the configuration parameters as necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I have installed and set this up, but now it is not possible to make a purchase through the store. The user gets the message "One or more required fields were not filled out correctly."
A: If you are using the OpenUI, be sure that you have turned off the "Select One" shipping option in Admin. The OpenUI is checking to make sure a selection was made, whereas the purpose of this module is to remove the shipping option so no selection is made.

Q: I am still getting a "shipping to be determined later" message in the checkout section that also prints out on the customer and merchant notification emails.
A: Since you aren't using shipping, you need to:
admin:stores:settings uncheck shipping check
admin:stores:openui security check disable shipping check
admin:stores:select one or admin:stores:dropdown lists:select one uncheck with shipping

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