These instructions are for Restock Shelves version 5.017 or newer. Create a page template called RESTOCK_E. Make sure the page code is upper case. Then you can copy and paste either a text email or an html email into the page template. You can test by making the "to" token your email address. After you have it working, you can change it to either the bill_email or ship_email. For testing the token would be %to|your actual email address% To go live, use the code as in the example. Beginning with version 5.020 of the module you can also have a CC sent to you. The token would be placed between the subject and to tokens and would be %cc|your actual email address% Replace the YOURDOMAIN path in the places were you see it below to the actual domain path for your store. EXAMPLE OF TEXT EMAIL: %subject|Come back and see us% %to|bill_email% Dear &mvt:global:basket:bill_fname; &mvt:global:basket:bill_lname;,%lf%%lf% We noticed that you were browsing in our store and even put a product in your basket. At about the same time we were having maintenance issues. If you had problems checking out, we are humbly sorry. To make up for your inconvenience, please accept this coupon for a 10% discount off the products in your order. The code is XXXXX. It can be redeemed on the screen which shows your basket contents.%lf%%lf% &mvt:item:name; &mvt:item:quantity; &mvt:item:formatted_price; &mvt:item:formatted_subtotal; %lf% %lf%%lf% John Doe%lf% Store Owner%lf% %lf% EXAMPLE OF HTML EMAIL: %subject|Come back and see us% %to|bill_email%
&mvt:global:basket:bill_fname; &mvt:global:basket:bill_lname;,%lf%

We noticed that you were browsing in our store and even put a product in your basket. At about the same time we were having maintenance issues. If you had problems checking out, we are humbly sorry. To make up for your inconvenience, please accept this coupon for a 10% discount off the products in your order. The code is XXXXX. It can be redeemed on the screen which shows your basket contents.%lf%
Product Quantity    Price/Ea    Total
&mvt:item:name; &mvt:item:quantity;    &mvt:item:formatted_price;    &mvt:item:formatted_subtotal;
John Doe
Store Owner