In the admin > utilities settings screen, click the tab for Template Based Batch Reports. Create a new batch report called BATCH_SUMMARY with the name Batch Summary Report. Copy the code below into the template. Assign the following items to the pages items list: toolkit, admin_order, inline_css, store. In the manage orders you can select to run batch reports on any of your batches. Choose the Batch Summary Report to display statistics about the batch. If your store does not use inventory variants, remove the batchsummaryvariants token in the two sections, along with the 3 lines that follow that token. &mvte:page:name;
&mvt:global:store:name; Batch Summary
Batch: &mvt:batchsummary:batch_name;
Start: &mvt:batchsummary:start_date; &mvt:batchsummary:start_time;
End: &mvt:batchsummary:end_date; &mvt:batchsummary:end_time;
Total: &mvt:batchsummary:formatted_total;
Orders: &mvt:batchsummary:orders;
Products: &mvt:batchsummary:allprods;

Day of Week Orders Products Daily Total
&mvt:dow:name; &mvt:dow:count; &mvt:dow:pcount; &mvt:dow:formatted_pamount;

Time of Day Orders Products Daily Total
&mvt:hour:name; &mvt:hour:count; &mvt:hour:pcount; &mvt:hour:formatted_pamount;

Code Name Quantity Total
&mvt:product:code; &mvt:product:name;
    &mvt:variant:code; (&mvt:variant:quantity;)
&mvt:product:pcount; &mvt:product:formatted_pamount;

Code Name Quantity Total
&mvt:product:code; &mvt:product:name;
    &mvt:variant:code; (&mvt:variant:quantity;)
&mvt:product:pcount; &mvt:product:formatted_pamount;