Multiple product add using the Emporium Plus Tool Kit version 5.248 or newer. This example is for CSSUI stores. MMUI stores would need to alter the example. Throughout this "how to" are links. You will need to locate the words YOURDOMAIN and change the links to match your link style. Keep in mind that you need to retain the query string info in each link so the visitor will be sent to the correct page number with the correct sort order, products per page, etc. 1) Create a new item. Enter multi_product_attributes in the "code" input. Enter cmp-cssui-attributes in the "module" input. 2) Here is an example category page. I gave it the code of CTGYATTR with a name of Category Display with Attributes. &mvt:store:name; &mvt:category:name; &mvte:global:pagename;
Keyword(s) Sort Per page Categories
No products matched your search criteria
1 product found &mvte:search_product_count; products found
Page &mvt:cxp_current_page; of &mvt:cxp_total_pages;
&mvt:pages:number; &mvt:pages:number;
Code Name Image Price Availability  
&mvt:product:code; &mvt:product:name; &mvte:product:name;   &mvt:product:formatted_price; &mvt:product:inv_short;    

Code: &mvt:product:code;
Price: &mvt:product:formatted_price;
Quantity in Basket: none Quantity in Basket: &mvt:product:quantity;

    3) CLick the "Items" tab at the top of this new CTGYATTR page template. Unassign the item called "product_attributes". Assign the new item called "multi_product_attributes" which should be at the end of the list. 4) Now go to the "Product Attribute Template" tab at the top of this same page. Erase code which might be in that tab and replace it with the below code below. This item is only to be used on pages where you have included the multiple product add feature.
    &mvte:attribute:raw_prompt; &mvt:attribute:prompt;  
      &mvte:option:prompt; &mvte:option:prompt;
    &mvte:attribute:raw_prompt; &mvt:attribute:prompt;
    5) This feature uses the same error handling messages that the save basket to email function uses. See for instructions on error messages to put on the BASK page template.