Instructions for proceed code implementation This will prevent customers from checking out if they don't supply a valid email address. This only works if your store requires customer account creation. If they can checkout without an account in your store, do not try to implement this feature. 1) Create a custom customer field with the code "proceed" and the name "Proceed Code". 2) Create a page template with the code of "PROCEED". Make the name whatever you want, e.g. "Proceed Code Email". Put the following in the body of the template and click update. %subject|Here is your code to proceed in checkout% %from| %to|g.customer:bill_email% &mvte:global:customer:bill_fname; &mvte:global:customer:bill_lname;, %lf% %lf% Here is the code you will need to proceed &mvte:global:proceedcode; %lf% %lf% 3) On the page after the customer saves their customer info, place the following code inside the existing form on that page. Check your email for the code to proceed
After the form on that page, insert the following code This will generate an eight character random string and send it to the customer's email. It also inserts the random string into the custom customer field called proceed. 4) On the next screen insert the following before the form on the page. Your proceed code does not match. This checks the custom customer field called proceed and saves the value to a variable called gocode. The next line checks to make sure the customer had entered a code in the proceed input and that that code matches the gocode. If it does not, the page abruptly terminates with the command. You may want to add some page formatting after the message and before the exit, e.g. terminate the page with . Then locate the form on this page and insert the following. This line will save the proceed variable in case the page is redisplayed do to a missing data element.