This "how to" covers the store morph code used on any page template to save and restore the basket to an email address. You should put this code on the basket (BASK) page where the basket is visible. You might put it on the checkout page or even the storefront to encourage customers considering abandonment to save the basket for a few days. The code below is in 3 sections: 1) brief message that an item in the basket was not restored, 2) detailed message about a restore failure, 3) the forms for save and restore. At the bottom of this page is a brief example of the email that can be sent to tell the customer a saved basket exists and how to retrieve it. In several places there is a path to the product page. Replace the word YOURDOMAIN and correct the path to match your product urls. Page edits for the forms ********************************************************************************
&mvte:global:Error_Message_Count; not added. restored. Details below.
Basket Addition Restore Failure
&mvte:global:pc; is not available &mvte:message; &mvte:global:pn;: Missing attributes &mvte:global:pn;: You attempted to add restore &mvte:global:pq;. None are in stock. Only one is in stock. Only &mvte:global:pa; are in stock.
&mvte:global:ecount; item was saved to your backup basket.
&mvte:global:ecount; items were saved to your backup basket.
Saved basket email ******************************************************************************** Upon a successful basket save, the store can generate an email automatically. Create a new page template with the code SAVE2EMAIL. Here is a brief block of text to put in the email to get you started. Change the text accordingly. The number of days is controlled by the savebasket2email token above. So whatever you set in that token you would tell them in this email. %subject|Basket Saved to Your Email% %from| %to|g.myemail% %cc| Dear &mvte:global:myemail;

Your basket contents have been saved to your email address. If you return to our main store in the next 72 hours, you can restore the basket at the Basket page by entering the same email address and clicking the restore button.