Emporium Plus Tool Kit Implementation of a Wait List System 1) Install Emporium Plus Tool Kit if you have not already done so. 2) Go to admin > utilities and assign the built in custom field module if it is not yet assigned. 3) Click the link at the top for Custom Product Fields. 4) Add two new custom fields. First one with the code waitlist and the name Wait List. The second with the code waitpause and the name Wait List Pause. These entries are case sensitive. 5) You are going to create a new page template called WAITLIST. Go to admin > pages and click the [Add] link. For the code put WAITLIST. Make sure it is upper case. For the name put Wait List. Then in the template section copy the text between the ***************** lines ***************** Wait List

Out of Stock
&mvt:choice:name; (&mvt:choice:option;)
Your Email

Please select one

You are already on the list

One person is waiting for this item

&mvte:global:wait_length; people are waiting for this item
Wait List Wait List
***************** Note the 4th parameter in the waitlist token above is 0. That is the stock level you will use to trigger the actions of the module. You will probably leave that at 0. In the line l.settings:choice:count_onhand LE 0 you are also using 0. That is the stock level that it lets the customer sign up for the wait list. Save the page. 6) On the PROD page, at the location you want the Wait List link to appear, insert this token Make sure the token is not inside a conditional that would prevent it from running. It must run on the PROD page when the item is both in and out of stock. When in stock, it sends emails. When out of stock it shows the wait list link so that the customer can put themselves on the wait list. Save the edit. Then click "Items" at the top of that page. Make sure the toolkit item is assigned. Now test the look. Go to a product page. Put enough in your basket to make it out of stock. The Wait List link should appear. There will be two of them. Try both. Decide which you want to use. Then go back to the WAITLIST page template and see the notes that have the html comments around them. Decide which link to use and erase the other. 7) On the SRCH, CTGY, and PLST pages locate the section of code in the product list layout for those pages that shows the stock is out or sold out. In that condition you will put the following javascript for the popup. Wait List The only difference between this one and the one on the WAITLIST page is how the variable for Product_Code is derived. 8) Go to the admin > pages > ACED page template. Scroll down near the bottom where you want the customer's wait list to display. Paste in the following code.
Wait list for &mvte:global:customer:bill_email; &mvte:global:customer:bill_email; and &mvte:global:customer:ship_email;
&mvt:product:name; Remove

After saving the edit, look at the top of the template for the "Items" link. Click it and scroll down. Assign the toolkit item if it is not already assigned to this page. 9) On the PATR (missing product attributes) page, put the following code at the location you want the wait list link to appear.   1 option is out of stock   &mvte:global:outcount; options are out of stock After saving the edit, look at the top of the template for the "Items" link. Click it and scroll down. Assign the toolkit item if it is not already assigned. 10) On the POUT (product sold out) page, put the following code at the location you want the wait list link to appear. Wait List 11) You will need to make sure you have your inventory variants synchronized with the master product. Miva has produced a video on how to do that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4H8PA2Xack 12) You are going to create a new page template called WAITLIST_EMAIL. Go to admin > pages and click the [Add] link. For the code put WAITLIST_EMAIL. Make sure it is upper case. For the name put Wait List Email. Then in the template section copy the text between the ***************** lines. Change the YOURDOMAIN path to reflect your actual domain in the link to the product. ***************** %subject|YOUR STORE HERE - Item Requested Is Back In-stock%
Dear &mvte:global:wait:firstname; &mvte:global:wait:lastname;, Dear Customer,

%lf% You asked to be placed on a wait list for &mvt:global:tk_inventory:name; &mvt:global:tk_inventory:option;. We have &mvt:global:tk_inventory:count_onhand; of this item back in stock. %lf%
%lf% %lf% %lf% %lf% %lf% %lf% %lf%
Product   Price   
&mvt:key_product:name; $ &mvt:key_product:price;
Store Owner
%lf% ***************** Make sure the fonts and toolkit items are assigned to the items list of this new page template. 13) The Wait List system is now ready to go for standard products where the inventory is based on the product code only and also for those products which have autogenerated inventory variants based on the options selected. Other info. 1) Many have asked how I am creating the fancy popups. I replaced the link in the WAITLIST, CTGY, SRCH, and PLST pages with the lines below which use a free javascript and css library of files from Orangoo Labs. You can get the documentation and download link at http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/ WAITLIST page Wait List CTGY, PLST, SRCH pages Wait List You will need to FTP the files listed below to the location under the mm5/ directory. You will need to create the directory mm5/js/greybox/ and put the files in it. AJS.js AJS_fx.js g_close.gif gb_scripts.js gb_styles.css header_bg.gif indicator.gif loader_frame.html next.gif prev.gif w_close.gif Then in each of the 4 pages you put the link on, look in the head section at the top of the page (between and . Paste the following ten lines. Change the word yourdomain to your actual domain. 2) In admin you can lookup wait list info by going to admin > utilities. Click the + to the left of the word utilities. a. You can view an individual's wait list by entering their email address and clicking the button. b. You can view all wait lists by using the custom product field search. Put the @ character in the search input. Select contained in. For the field, select wait list. Click the button. 3) You can get an idea on how this all works at the Inventory Demo I setup at http://www.pinemporium.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=INVDEMO&Store_Code=PE