Use Emporium Plus Tool Kit (version 5.142 or newer) to create and generate welcome emails Create a new account at to see how it works. 1) You need to determine the landing page after a new customer creates an account. It will probably be ACED (Account Edit) or SFNT (Storefront). On that landing page you will insert the three lines below. You also need to click Items at the top of that page template and assign the toolkit item to the items list for that page. 2) Add a new page template with code NEWCUSTOMER. Name it whatever you want, e.g. Welcome EMail. Insert the code below into the template. Edit the lines accordingly for email CC, store name, your name, and your domain. I've also included an example of using the Emporium Plus coupon redemption module to generate a unique, single use coupon for this new customer. You'll either remove that code if you don't have the coupon module or modify the coupon template ID to match your ID for a welcome coupon. The first three lines of this template prevent someone from displaying the page by entering Screen=NEWCUSTOMER in the store url. The next five lines set the email subject, to, from, and cc for the email. The %lf% you see scattered throughout the template are line feeds that make the text more readable when you view the source. They are not that important, but are helpful. The actual line feeds are made in this html email with the
tag. If you've completed steps 1 and 2, test it out. %subject|Welcome New Customer% %from| %to|g.customer:bill_email% %cc|g.mycc% Dear &mvte:global:customer:bill_fname; &mvte:global:customer:bill_lname;,%lf%

Welcome to YOURSTORENAME. We offer a wide range of stuff and hope you will find our ever increasing inventory useful in the further enhancement of your store. Your customer login is &mvte:global:customer:login; for this and future visits.%lf%

As our way of saying thanks for taking the time to register as a customer, we are including a 20% off coupon. The coupon is good for this week and can be redeemed if your purchase of stuff exceeds $50,000. One per customer. The coupon code is: The coupon is not retroactive, i.e. it must be entered during order checkout in order to receive the discount. Combine the coupon with our "buy 5, get the lowest priced free" offer and you will enjoy a significant savings off our already low priced stuff. The buy 5, get the lowest price free deal and coupon applies to all products in the store.

Store Owner%lf%